Are you all seaty comftabold two-square on your botty?.........Then I'll begin.

I started writing this post before setting off work this morning and after writing enthusiastically for some time, I accidentally clicked the wrong button and erased my entire post. Indignant and disgusted, I thought I'd better leave it until later, lest my laptop takes a trip out the window, so now is later  Anyway, anyone familiar with the Small Faces and their album "Ogden's Nut Gone Flake" may be familiar with the English used in the title. I managed to procure the original tobacco tin-shaped vinyl back when I was a teenager though the record itself was a little ragged, I was happy to have the sleeve in good nick. This album got played to death by myself and some of my friends, who also had it, back in those days. One side is standard Small Faces, so very good, but the other side is completely unique and one of my favourite themed pieces of all time. It is essentially a story of a guy called Happiness Stan who goes out looking for the "other half of the moon and dangly", because he can only see a half moon. I don't think I have ever used the word delightful to describe anything in my life but I can't think of anything more appropriate for this. The narration was done by a fella called Stanley Unwin who developed an entirely new way of speaking English which he employed for story-telling. As the story unfolds, it is punctuated with songs from The Small Faces alluding to the story. There is no way you can listen to this story without being incredibly happy afterwards so I recommend it as a serious antidote to the blues. This is a very special album and I wholeheartedly love it! Here is one of the more psychedelic extracts:

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