The blues followed this guy to the grave: Jackson C Frank.

In 1965, Paul Simon produced the one and only album by this fella, which is said to have influenced not only Simon himself but also other characters on the folk-scene like the legendary Nick Drake (This song alone, "Blues Run The Game" , has been covered by a whole bunch of great folk artists including Paul Simon). Just one beautiful, soulful album but this guy understood his art. I read a comment by someone (xermaster 123) at the top of the YouTube comments page beneath this video which pretty much says it all: "Lost 15 of his school friends in a fire, was severely burnt, lost his son to cystic fibrosis, lived on the streets alone drifting in and out of institutions, he lost everything, then just as he felt ready to come back for one last run he was shot in the eye and blinded. If pain can be used to create good music it explains why frank is the most soulful and meaningful artists of the last half a century".

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